Friday, August 26, 2011

Lekker reunion

well,actually this is not a reunion
it just a small meeting between friends after we're not seeing each other for about two months after graduate
and a small party for one of my friends that going to continue her study at UK,tifany
after reaching the place,i found out that one of my friends,catherine wijaya,who had study to UK since one year ago joining this party,and so i finally called this party a reunion~

 w/ olivia
this girl that going to continue her study at UK (so envy T T)
w/ catherine
this girl is the one who had study one year faster in a collge at UK
she's pretty smart :) yet a very kind and simple girl
i bet everyone likes her since she's so nice to everyone
haha  w/ bibi san (real name vivi tanato)
this girl going to continue her study at singapore
goodluck beib :p wish you all the best at there
don't forget me the kimochi one okay ? ;)
and finally myself ! haha

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Singapore ! :D

narsis even on the MRT xp
narsis mode on : D
kak sunny's home made food
i really love the taste :9 yummy !
my cutest cousin >.<
she is really cute !! right ??

at bus and mrt station head to NUH
my mom :)
at the bus station
 at national geographic house
yigloo yoghurt :9
and my cute aunty haha >.<
at sentosa resort island and universal studios
at Marina Bay

(actaully i really want to post the rest but too bad,it is just too much >.< haha)

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

k-pop flash news
i updated a lot of newest kpop news !!
just check it out !!


worse :(

i think today was not my day.
completely messed up by me !
guess what ?!
i suppose to buy new books for my college later and i forgot it until my friends remind me
then i quickly tell my mom to bring me to there at the morning but i suddenly remember the car was totally broken and was being repaired. so the only one who can bring me to there by car since the place was so far is my dad (using my father car). and so my dad bring me to there but i have to be quick because he has to go to office. from here everything start to be wrong. at first i really don't know how much are the books. actually i being told maybe it's only for 200-300 IDR. so i only bring 500 IDR . It was totally sucks when i realize the price is 565 IDR !!! i came to my father because he's waiting me and ??? he forgot to bring his money !!! my father totally upset,really mad and scold me why i don't ask them for the price first. gratefully my dad bring some atm cards so he quickly go to the nearest atm. guess today is not my day right ? :(

Monday, August 22, 2011

my new tumblr :)

grab some awesome pictures :
kpop . vintage . photography . quote . etc
take a visit okay :D