Saturday, August 28, 2010

Crimes month

After my robbed accident 1 august 2010,there are several alike accident which happen to some of my friends at school.Some of them loses more things than me.It becomes danger to everyone in medan,cause it seems that,a criminals events always happen every time and every where.It comes really fast and so unpredictable by us.Everyday i saw the news and everyday i found out robbery,theft and others alike.The most sensational accident is that one at CIMB niaga bank.The criminals cover up their faces and use guns,then attack everyone in the bank.Unfortunately three peoples dead in that accident.And they loses 300 millions.Seems they're so professional cause till now the police haven't got any clue to catch them.

Lately,i mean yesterday,i just been informed that some thieves are doing their action in my aunt house !!! i can't predict how much money and things that loses but i know that's a large amount cause my family called the police.Till today,there are no signs and clues to find the thieves.But i just hope the thieves will got busted later.The one who're robbed my bag and the one whore stealing at my aunt house,i just hope someday they got busted and caught in the jail !!

Doesn't it so ironic ? This is a pure month to them,but they're doing such things in this months.I just thought it was so ironic.Well,we don't know exactly who're robbed my bag and who're stealing my aunt house,but after what i saw in news,much of them,is 'that' kind of person (u know what i mean ***** )

ps : hypnotist and others crime is really happening now.I suggest don't go everywhere alone and don't use expensive necklace,watches,bracelets or rings that can attract their attention.Be careful guys !

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